Crash & Burn
Well, this passed weekend was my M1 exit course with RTI....and of course, it had to rain on both days!! However, the course was well-run and we actually learned how to ride motorcycles!! It was awesome and after day 1, I started thinking that I really do want a motorcycle. It was fun riding them and shifting gears - very similar to driving a standard car - just a lot more to think about - sportier almost.
Day 2 was test day...and also still raining. They showed us some defensive moves and we got to practice for the test. It finally stopped raining by test time. There were 8 tests that we had to do and there was only room for 11 demerit points. The first test was very difficult - I did not complete it once during the practice - and almost cried as one instructor was telling me what I was doing wrong! It was very frustrating!! Anyways, we all lined up and started the testing - one by one for each test. With the first tests out of the way, I was thinking okay, I'm doing pretty good - maybe a few demerit points here and there...but overall, not bad with only 3 tests left - and the easy ones!
So, test number 6 was testing our emergency stopping abilities - get into 2nd gear and drive through the markers (while being timed between the 2 sets) then, do an emergency stop when given the signal by the instructor standing in front of you. So, off I go, started in first, shifted to second, got the signal to stop - applied the brakes and....crashed and burned. I caused a rear tire skid on the wet pavement and the bike went down on me!!! OUCH! And, because I dropped the bike...I knew I failed. In hindsight, I was probably going too fast and slammed on the brakes too hard - my own bad judgement.
The instructors came rushing over to get the bike off me - I moved off the course. And I cried and cried! I was so upset with myself - I knew how to do that emergency stop - I practiced it all day!! Deb (one of the instructors) ensured me that had done a really great job all weekend, and even instructors go down. My injuries....really badly bruised and swollen, and slightly scraped up left knee, a gash with bruising and swelling on my right leg, and a partially sprained left hand that is swollen and bruising more each day, and a little bruising on my left cheekbone! (note to self: get a full face helmet). - Sorry I don't have any pics of my injuries to post...
After everyone else finished their testing, Deb came over to me and told me that I had only incurred 3 demerit points up to my fall - so I would have passed no problem - if I hadn't crashed!! Oh well, now I know what not to do the next time - and hopefully it is not raining. So, I think I may take the retest this Sunday - it's free!! You go after the class has finished testing, they give you 1 hour to practice and then they test you. Wishe me luck and keep your fingers crossed!!!
After everyone else finished their testing, Deb came over to me and told me that I had only incurred 3 demerit points up to my fall - so I would have passed no problem - if I hadn't crashed!! Oh well, now I know what not to do the next time - and hopefully it is not raining. So, I think I may take the retest this Sunday - it's free!! You go after the class has finished testing, they give you 1 hour to practice and then they test you. Wishe me luck and keep your fingers crossed!!!
Anyways, despite the crash, I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is thinking about getting a motorcycle or scooter - it really does teach you to ride safely and defensively!!
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