Janie's Blog

Monday, September 04, 2006

Labour Day

Happy Labour Day. The last long weekend of the summer...that means that school starts up again - tomorrow for the kiddies and next Monday for UofT. Too bad the the weather sucked this weekend. Scott played in a golf tournament at Dalewood in Port Hope. Day 1 was good, Day 2, not so good.

Here is a picture of the boys at Dalewood - Derrick, Dan, Steve, Mark and Scott. It pretty much rained both days they had to play - not too much fun!

I dropped Scott off on Saturday morning and drove up to Peterborough to see Scott's parents and Ginger - she's been staying in Peterborough for the past two weeks because of our kitchen renovation.

She's been having a great time hanging out with Matty - here is a picture of the two of them napping... Ginger is still in Peterborough, at least until we get our kitchen in order.
Speaking of our kitchen... Scott Russell came up during the week and did some more work for us. He and Scott framed the windows and also did the framing for the ceiling. Hopefully this week we can get the window people in to measure and make the windows so we can get them installed asap. Today Scott and I worked on the basement - cleaning it up and setting it up with some of the old cabinets we saved. Here are a few pictures of the work that Scott and Scott did this past week. Richie & Liz also dropped by to check on the progress.


  • ah ahhahahah. they take naps together?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 8:55 PM  

  • i miss ginger!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 12:13 AM  

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